HATI Accredited bodies:
About Us

As an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization, we maintain a Quality Management System (QMS). This system ensures our:
- Operating policies and procedures are standardized
- Quality processes are repeatable and quality driven
- Process improvements are continuous actions that are monitored to completion
- Performance meets and exceeds the clients objectives
We deliver courses in the following fields:
- English Courses
- Computer Programs
- Management and Finance
- Social and self-Development
- Technical
- Occupational Safety & Environment Protection
- Develop Organizational Structure
We are also committed to conduct Studies & consultation based on client request as follows:
- Methodology to Increase Productivity
- Manpower Distribution according to needs
- Safety Review & Environmental Protection
- Develop friendly work Environment
- Improving Performance at the work place
- Use Saudi Aramco Training standard
- Minimum class hours per day 6 hours
- Minimum attendance 90% for each trainee
- Each trainee is required to pass the test for completion certificate
- Each trainer must be evaluated by all trainees
- Each trainees data tracked and logged in certificate tracking system
- If client is not satisfied his money back guaranteed
Credibility , Commitment , Effectiveness , Competitive , Mastering and Quality