HATI Accredited bodies:
Saudi Aramco Work Permit Receiver
In partnership with the Loss Prevention Department ( Saudi Aramco ), we are pleased to announce that, Human Assets Training Institute is approved as third-party safety training providers that is authorized to teach the work permit receiver prerequisite training, as required by GI 2.100, Work Permit SystemStarting July 1, 2017, Saudi Aramco contractors requesting enrollment in the Saudi Aramco Work Permit Receiver Certification Course must first complete a series of three prerequisite courses:
- Hazard Recognition and Control
- Lock Out/Tag Out
- Confined Space Entry
1. Introduction:
The Permit To Work system (PTWs) authorizes construction, maintenance, inspection or repair activities to be conducted that pose a hazard to personnel,damage to equipment or facilities, disruption of operations or harm to the environment. A work permit is an essential part of a process that determines the hazards associated with a particular activity and the precautions to take so the job can be carried out safely.
2. Qualifications and Certification of Work Permit Receiver :
- Work permit receivers shall have sufficient knowledge and experience, be capable of recognizing hazards and be competent in the requirements of this instruction.
- Work permit receivers shall attend and pass the classroom work permit certification course every two years in order to maintain certification. Work permit receivers shall complete all required prerequisite training and certifications.
- Candidates are required to successfully complete the following classroom courses as prerequisites before being allowed to take the Receivers certification course:
- Hazard Recognition and Control. (2 Days - 12 Hrs)
- Confined Space Entry (1 Day - 06 Hrs)
- Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO System)(1 Day - 06 Hrs)& Final Exam
4 Days
3. About the instructors:
Our training institute is approved as special training provider of Permit To Work system, our training Programs are supervised and managed by SAUDI ARAMCO approved trainer.