HATI Accredited bodies:
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As part of the course, which took place on Monday - Wednesday, 20 - 22 November 2017 at SADARA premises in Jubail, KSA, course goals:
- Acquire the skills and knowledge you need to be a defensive driver
- Recognize that defensive driving is a matter of personal choice.
- Recognize common hazards in the driving environment and react to prevent collisions.
- Describe the dangers of impaired driving
- Avoid the six most common driving errors

Starting July 1, 2017, Saudi Aramco contractors requesting enrollment in the Saudi Aramco Work Permit Receiver Certification Course must first complete a series of three prerequisite courses:
- Hazard Recognition and Control
- Lock Out/Tag Out
- Confined Space Entry

During the period between June 2017 and today, we Successfully completed training course on Work Permit Receiver Prerequisite ( WPR ) at our training Institute, we trained more than 1000 Saudi ARAMCO contractors

Every week we have schedule for H2S safety training or Hydrogen Sulfide training, is designed as a safety program to familiarize participants with the dangers associated with working in an H2S environment. H2S safety training is appropriate for entry level and supervisory level employees. after 2 years refresher training is required.
Course materials include student handouts and a final examination. Delivery is accomplished through lecture, hands-on demonstration of monitors and detectors, student participation and practice, multimedia, and student exercises for donning/doffing the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). We can come to you and teach this course at your location, office or conference room anywhere!Date:05-Dec-2017